Monday, August 24, 2009

First Tournament

Yeah yeah yeah, i know its been awhile since i last posted. But thats mainly cuz nuthn too exciting nd new has happened this summer. Just been chillin out most of the time. Summer's nice and all, but as weird as it is to say, im lookn forward to school starting up again. Il get to see everyone again, which will be awesome!! Well everyone w/ the exception of Josh of course.

Anyway, onto the reason i decided to write a new post:

Yesterday i participated in my very first golf tournament!!! Whoo!! Yeah!!! *screams and claps*. It was held at Royal Vista, which is actually a difficult course. It was sooooo much fun tho xD At first i was gunna be the only kid playing in the tournament, but at the last minute Miki ended up playing as well =) So he was in the same group as me, which was major fun. My family came and joined us at around the 8th hole nd watched me play. I got to drive the golf cart for lyk half the time, which was completely awesome as well xD i ddnt crash into nething or flip the cart over, so im proud of myself for that, haha.

Well neway, i think i did pretty good for my first tournament nd having only been playing for about 5 or 6 months (iv imporved a ton w/in the past few weeks too) =) w/ my handicap, i got 12 over, yay! And the other lady playing (there were nly two ladies playing [keep in mind this was a friendly tournament, as in everyone playing were lyk family friends nd shtuff] myself nd the other woman) got 14 over w/ her handicap. So i got a trophy and some golf balls, which was awesome. I also got more golf balls for helping out set up in the morning. And during the raffle i won this thing that helps u putt (my mom's bf was actually the one who contributed that, so we might just return it since i prolly wont use it xP).

There was also a photographer there, takn pix of the whole tournament. He just got to drive around all day, going from group to group, taking pix. How cool would that be? =P So once he/if he posts the pix, ill possibly show u guys. Nd then u can see me wearing a skort. *GASP* I was wearing a skort??? Yeah yeah yeah. W/e tho. It was comfy since it was super hot yesrtday. Everyone said i looked nice, but il let u be the judge of that...maybe xP

So i was at the course for say around 9 hours or so. About 6 and a half of those were playing. Even tho it was a long day, it was ridiculously fun =D Cept since i was in the sun all day nd i had shoes on, it ttly messed up my tanline on my ankle. So that tanline is soooooo fricken bad. Major tanline fail Dx Ah well tho, itl go away eventually.

The next tournament we're having will be in December. Im already excited for it =) my dad nd his gf myt end up playing in that tournament as well, whoo! hehe

Sorry for the super long post. So im gunna wrap things up now. Hope you guys have been having a fun filled summer. And hope u use the rest of ur summer wisely ;)

\._ ---*Danielle*--.-.-._.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer so far

So yeah.. It's still summer, obviously. Mine has been up and down. Lots of traveling with my mom due to the fact that my aunt is visiting from the Philipines. That also means that i didnt have my own room for about a month and a half. I finally get my room back next saturday, whoo!

Well i FINALLY got to see some of my friends last saturday. So that was nice, sort of at least...w/e tho. Moving on. I feel like watching a movie with more of my friends sometime this week. Maybe wednesday, or friday. Cuz today nd tomorrow i'll be in San Francisco, and thursday i get to go to my very first baseball game =D So im excited about that.

That's pretty much it...yeah...I'm going to go rest now since im pretty sleep deprived...

-_- Danielle -_-

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Ah...It's been a pretty chill summer so far. I've only been a bum for one day so far. Whoo! That's an accomplishment for me, haha.

So I've been looking back on this year, and I'm going to miss it. So much in my life has changed because of this year. Some things for the good, other's for the not so good. I lost some friends, but made lots of new ones as well, including my best friend ever (I love you!!!). I'm going to miss all the crazy times with my friends and family, but i'm ready for all the new memories we'll be making together. And I know i say that about pretty much every year, but this year was different. It was...special. Goodbye freshman year..

Speaking of goodbyes, today is a...sad day. That's because my friend Josh is moving to the Philipines today. I'm going to miss him. He made life...well...interesting to say the least. He's made a pretty big impact on many people's lives, whether he knows it or not. Sure we made fun of him because of all the stupid things he did, but hey, it provided for lots of laughs. I'll miss ya Josh. Goodbye.


Friday, June 19, 2009



As of yesterday at precisely 12:46pm, I'm officially a sophomore! WHOO!

No more work! Time to chill out, and have fun with friends. We get to relax for the next 10 weeks. Ahh... I don't know about you, but I'm soaking it all in. I don't want stupid things get in the way of totally ruining my last "legit" summer vacation.

I'll most likely be carrying my camera practically everywhere i go. So to all my friends out there, be prepared for a camera to be in your face. Oh, you say your camera shy? Well too bad! Hahaha. I'm going to make some sort of memory with you on camera whether you like it or not. So might as well just enjoy yourself, or else when you look back to this time in our lives, you'll regret it. Let's have an awesome time together ;)


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So I'm like so fricken excited happy full of joy and anything else that means happy because guess what?!?!?


For those of you also had Kaplan, you know how i feel. For those of you who didn't, lucky u...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Yearbooks xD

So...lets see what I've done in the past week.

Last Saturday: I think i just did homework and went to church. Church was ecspecially awesome. "Doesn't it feel great to give?" ;) hehe

Sunday: I had a bday party type thing. It was my frist in years, so it was cool. I took 3 of my best friends and went to Benihana, then to the Guppy House, and then to the spectrum cuz we all felt sick from all the food we ate (it was delicious tho, haha). After we went back to my house to open gifts. Everyone of them had a panda on it, hehe. Whoo! xP Thanks everyone for coming, glad you guys had fun =D.

Monday-Thursday: really. W/e though. We have 8 more days!!!

Friday: School still, BUT we got our yearbooks!!! Whoo!!! Haha. Those things are fricken beasts! It's pretty much just lyk carrying another textbook. Ah well. Which reminds me, I gotta buy inserts cuz im positive that im gunna run our of room for ppl to sign cuz im just that popular, jkjkjkjk.

Today: Well i woke up, helped make breakfast, did hw, nd then did chores. My hands smell all latexy from the gloves i had to wear =P. And then later i get to go to church again =)

So...that's pretty much it. My next post probably wont be till two weeks from now because next two weeks will be full of major finals studying. So have an awesome next couple of weeks, and let's end this school year off on a good note ;D
P.S. It's cloudy atm, and i love it =D =D

Friday, May 29, 2009

It's My Birthday!!!

So...It's my birthday today! Whoo! I am now officially 15 as of around 3:30pm xD I've heard so many different versions of the birthday song, once in German, which was pretty awesome. Had to say thank you like a bajillion times because i said it everytime someone said "Happy Birthday" to me =P I got two cookies from my french teacher, and then a better giant cookie from my friend (Thank's Tiffani =D love ya). All in all, today was a pretty chill day. Later on I'm not going to the driving range, cuz the weather isn't ideal for that. But i love the weather today! Cloudy and a little rainy. I think the weather changed just for my birthday, haha jk. Instead we're just going to go out for dinner. I think we're going to either Red Robin or Inka Mama, yum!

Well I'm gunna chill on my couch now. L8rz

B) Danielle B)